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Nelson Meetups: Kootenay AI Collective

Nelson Meetups: Kootenay AI Collective

We're a community-driven group, exploring AI in a grounded and practical manner. We meet every second Thursday of the month at the Nelson Innovation Centre from 6-8pm.
The theme for this month’s Nelson AI Meetup is “Artificial Intelligence in Education.” Come listen to enlightening talks and engage in discussion as we work together to discover more about the newly popular field of artificial intelligence.
Please RSVP by either registering for this event (on the right side of this page), or on the facebook event page, but not both.
The Kootenay AI Collective is a community-driven group designed to foster learning and discussion about artificial intelligence. Their focus is to empower our community, from AI professionals to the general public, with a deep, well-rounded understanding of AI, stimulating thoughtful conversation and promoting responsible AI use.
“We are grateful to the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology at the Nelson Innovation Center for sponsoring our group and providing us with a monthly meetup venue. Everyone is welcome to join and contribute to this exploration of AI from different perspectives.”
– Kootenay AI Collective
We hope to see you there!

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Thursday, January 11 2024
This is a past event.


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Nelson Innovation Centre (NiC)
Nelson Innovation Centre (NiC)
91 Baker St, Nelson, BC V1L 4G8

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